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Maintenance of air filters

Post Time: 2016-08-02

Maintenance of air filters
Air filter to prevent dust and debris into the cylinder, using a space-time machine pump the dust deposited on the air filter, the intake air to reduce combustion mixing ratio increased, resulting in incomplete combustion, power down, so long work will produce coke, increased wear of the cylinder piston between the coke out in the cylinder will cause the cylinder to pull the machine power loss. Should be cleaned, replace the air filter to ensure the normal operation of the machine. At the same time, the outer wall of the cylinder should always clean the machine, to ensure its cooling effect. Otherwise, the machine will also intensify wear.
Processing Filter
Air filters prevent dust from entering the cylinder is, avoid the dust from entering the cylinder caused by premature wear of machine parts, should be regularly cleaned and replaced regularly. Working long hours can produce coke, which is handling the filter is very negative, it will increase the machine wear and tear, affect efficiency.

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