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Lawn Mower Machine maintain-2

Post Time: 2016-08-01

Protection mower after use
First of all, it all clean; secondly, making sure all the screws, oil oil, air filter, or without a blade chipping; again, lawn mower for life, strengthen the inspection or replacement of wearing parts. Periodic conservation is more important.
Oil Maintenance
Lawn mower should be checked before each use engine oil at the surface to see if it is in the middle of the oil gauge. The first five hours once the oil should be changed after 10 hours should be replaced once the oil after the oil frequently changes according to the situation. Should change the oil in the engine is a heat engine status, so as to put the old oil completely replaced. If excessive oil appear: launch difficulties, smoky or particularly large or small power (too much coke cylinder, spark plug gap is small), or excessive heat engine. If the oil is too small will be: big engine gear noise or damage to, or close ring wear and damage, or Calatrava phenomenon occurs, causing severe engine damage. Therefore, it is important to maintain oil.
Carburetor Maintenance
Each time you add gasoline should be called mesh filter, and can not be put in the tank for a long time, the extent of application of special cleaning agent carburetor carburetor cleaning, cleaning cycle depending on the carburetor dirty to be. Now if the carburetor fails, the engine will not start or turn off after launch, it should be cleaned.

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