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Generator Fault(c)

Post Time: 2016-08-17

First, the black smoke exhaust
Exhaust smoke is mainly fuel incomplete combustion of soot. Thus, the excess supply of fuel supplied to the fuel system, reducing the amount of air intake system, cylinder block, cylinder head and piston chamber composed of poor sealing, poor injector spray quality factors will cause incomplete combustion of fuel, so that the row gas black smoke. Exhaust black smoke following main reasons:
1. Excessive or uneven high-pressure fuel supply quantity for each cylinder oil
2. Mifengbuyan valve, causing leakage, cylinder compression pressure is low
3. Air filter inlet obstruction, large air resistance, so that insufficient intake air
4. Cylinder, piston, piston ring wear serious
5. Injector working poor
6. Engine overload
7. Injection pump fuel supply advance angle is too small, the process moves to the exhaust post-combustion process
8. Gasoline EFI system failure control failure
For the black smoke of the engine can be tuned by a high pressure pump, fuel injector spray test to check the cylinder compression pressure measurement, inlet cleaning, fuel supply advance angle adjustment, gasoline electronic injection system fault diagnosis and inspection work to be excluded.

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