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How to maintain the use of small gasoline generators(d)

Post Time: 2016-08-17

Fourth, electricity. Generator-line
When the generator is coupled load, attention should not be connected to the load exceeds the output power, and not just with the home circuit coupled to avoid motor damage or fire. Long-term unused generator produces no output electrical phenomena, if the circuit is normal, there may be residual magnetism disappears pole motor, the available section 4 1.5V large flashlight battery connection, approximately around 6V, when the generator to be operated, the battery positive lead and "+", the negative pole rectifier "a" termination charge air bridge rectifier DC output of the magnetic poles to charge, when AC voltage output when the battery is about to be removed.
Fifth, the compression cylinder and piston
Compressed mixed gas combustion for power and process through a combination of operating cylinder and piston to complete. Mixing cylinder is compressed combustion gas vaporized made after the studio work, the problems are most likely to produce the spark plug fouling. Engine in use for some, if not start, consider cylinder dirty, first check the spark plug, remove coke, adjust the spark plug gap to specification prescribed value gas oil generators. As KIPOR Cape gas oil generators in 0.7-0.8mm (0.028-0.031n) equivalent to about three postcards insert thickness. LD75 type generator launched provisions between 0.3-0.4mm. To clean or replace the spark plug, the spark plug should be tightened to prevent the wrong thread teeth after using a spark plug wrench to tighten the compression of the gasket. Note that the spark plug must be tightened, otherwise it may become very hot and may damage the engine.

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